[HOT] [Info] Bouake (Côte d'Ivoire) - #OpenScience #Lab Projet COhéSIoN : Mapathon (atelier de création de données OpenStreetMap) à l'Université Alassane Ouattara ce 7-avril 2018 de 9h00 à 18h00.
nicolas chavent
2018-04-06 23:54:08 UTC
Hey all,

This email to let you know about the #ANRCohesionBouake mapathon that
will be held in University Alassane Ouattara (UAO) Bouake (Ivory
Coast) this Saturday 7-April 2018 to consolidate the OpenStreetMap
buildings layer of the second city of this country.

This mapping effort is part of the the Free Geomatics component of the
research project CohéSIoN (“The socio-territorial construction of
inequalities: territorial diagnosis as a decision aid tool”) that the
association Les Libres Geographes (LLG) designed wtih Institut de
Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and is implementing with the
support of mappers from Projet EOF, OSM Ivory Coast (OSMCI) Abidjan
and Bouaké as well as local students or young researchers.

More info on this research project below at the end of this email or
via Twitter at the #ANRCohesion

Tomorrow we shall be around twenty building OSM data from the
university after two weeks of training focused on remote and on the
ground data creation. We will start with this mapathon the first
activity of the OpenScience lab that we will be animating throughout
the 4 years of this project in between the more intense phases of
work, mostly urban studies of various disciplines (Geography, Social
Sciences and biomedical sciences). The Lab will primarily works at
community level towards capacity building and handing over research
results, methodologies and tools.

Anyone interested in contributing to the goals of this research
project this 7-April (from de 9h00 AM to 6h00 PM) is welcome to join :
- Bouake UAO (salle de réunion de la vice-présidence de l'université -
campus 1) ;
- Or the mapping project number 209 [1].

Funded by Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), designed by IRD
and LLG and implemented from 2018-2021 by a collective of research
institutions, LLG members and members from OSMCI and ProjetEOF, the
research project “The socio-territorial construction of inequalities:
territorial diagnosis as a decision aid tool” (CohéSIoN) relies on a
geographical approach to establish how health inequalities participate
in and result from the construction of the “territory” in Bouake the
second city of Ivory Coast and using malaria as an indicator of these
The ANR CohéSIoN objectives and work packages are three-fold:
- The task 1 will describe the past and current urbanization process
at work in the city of Bouaké to establish how it can be at the roots
of an uneven expression of health facts.
- The task 2 will determine the risk profiles of the populations in
the select territories identified at the end of task 1 and surveyed at
household level to characterize how the exposition to malaria of
population differ according to places and time.
- The task 3 will finally depict the socio-spatial construction of the
select surveyed territories within a public health perspective to
propose a health territorial diagnosis.
The research will combine quantitative and qualitative methods and
bring together geography, social sciences and biomedical sciences
within an overarching paradigm of open science.
The underlying comprehensive data mobilization and creation required
by the CohéSIoN project will be carried out by Les Libres Géographes
with the support of a collective of local mappers from OSMCI Abidjan
and Bouaké. They will use high resolution satellite imagery, the
tools, techniques and methods of the OpenStreetMap project to build
the geographical data required for COhéSIoN which will then be hosted
on the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) IDS Francophone Libre (IFL)
to be freely accessible as OGC web services. This free geomatics
approach will allow for a wider sharing of the CohéSIoN geographical
information, tools and methodologies in terms of learning processes
(training), appropriation dynamics (mapathons, hackathons,
conferences…) and valorisation (urban observatory and urban health
platform available for all actors).
Addition information on this research project also available in French
as a post to talk-***@openstreetmap.org, the OSM list for Ivory Coast

Looking forward to mapping with some of you tomorrow.

[1]: http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/209#
[2]: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ci/2018-April/000114.html
Nicolas Chavent
Les Libres Géographes
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Projet GeOrchestra
Mobile (FR): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (Cote d'Ivoire): +225 68 65 38 94
Email: ***@gmail.com
Email: ***@leslibresgeographes.org
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent